Ho! Ho! Ho!

Well, here I was, planning on finding another INKA to share, when something better to write about came along.

As noted in my previous post, t’is the Christmas season and time for gift-giving…(consider shameless plug to view my books on Amazon inserted here). It is also the time of year when results from certain book competitions are in. No, I didn’t win. But what I did receive was an interesting review of my book, Christmas House, by the judge who looked at it. Some of the comments were formulaic. That is to say, the judges were clearly provided some sort of rubric or planned answer sheet from which they chose a pre-worded response to how the book met/did not meet the established criteria. Two sections at the end of the review did allow for personal statements from the judge as to notable strengths and weaknesses. Even though Christmas House was not a prizewinner, the evaluation itself proved beneficial.

I’m proud and pleased to say that most of the comments considered my book satisfactory, and in a couple of areas–premise being one–even unique. My dialogue was appreciated, and overall, it was considered an enjoyable read. There were comments that there were some weak areas that could do with strengthening, particularly over a slow start and the roles of some secondary characters. However, the pace in general was all right, the story moved in an appropriate direction and ended leaving the reader quite satisfied. I am probably most ‘chuffed’, as the British say, over the comments on the appropriateness of the dialogue for an American English-speaking audience.

So, now, I have a predicament. I could leave the book alone, or I could go to work on an ‘expanded’ version, which would allow me to tweak and correct and amplify. I could replace the cover, which was noted as not being reflective of the story as much as it could be, and I could add some extra material such as baking and woodworking projects. And I could allow for more insight into the characters and maybe just some extra history with a reveal or two.

I could do that. I am going to have to weigh the desire to deliver the best possible story of Bret and Molly that I can against the fact that there are readers out there who have already read their tale. The story itself does not change; only more will be added, and it would be done (I hope!) with more style. A reader can read the second version after reading the first, or they can enjoy either one of them. However, if I do develop an expanded version, it will replace the edition offered currently.

This is a bit of a big decision, so if anyone has an opinion, I’d value it. Please just leave a comment.

On another Christmas-y note, I am a self-avowed Christmas nut, rather like Molly. And I am working on a Christmas epic fantasy titled Renegade Christmas. With luck, that will be finished next year and shopped around for traditional publishing. I know that means it’s a couple years before it meets the public, but that’s what I am aiming for.

In line with that, at our house, we are only partly decorated for Christmas at this point. As I was sharing with an online group, for us that means each room has at least one nativity, a Christmas tree, and a Santa, plus other sparkly Christmas decor. If you don’t believe me, just check the bathrooms!

Here are a few pictures from one Christmas some years back.

One group member in particular was amazed at people who go to such decorating and design lengths for the holiday. He remarked that his idea of Christmas decor was to drop an ornament on an avocado tree and call it a day. In tribute to him and other people who prefer restraint in their holiday decorations, I present:

Note the pickle-shaped ornament on the larger tree. The hanging of a pickle ornament on a Christmas tree is an old European tradition. The pickle is hidden in the branches, and the finder gets a prize (usually chocolate!)

Latest Post on “Do You Know Where YOUR Story Is?”

It’s been too long, but here is a post of mine over on Substack. My next one here will be another post on INKAS. (soon)

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Just a little housekeeping…

I have a new article up on “Do You Know Where YOUR Story Is?”. It’s titled Admitting You Were Wrong and has to do with being able to face up to mistakes and fix them– in writing and other places as well.

Also, I’ll be working on a couple new INKAS to post. One post on Vignette, and another on Personal Narrative. These can be closely related. You can use the vignette style to create a personal narrative. But, check back soon or follow to get notifications to see what these two forms of writing are all about.

Meantime, Wendell says, “Write on!”